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Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Tuesday, Oct 10 , 2023 Brett's Installation

 Tuesday, October 10

  We head to Wakefield for breakfast at Brothers - a tasty local spot!  Then off to the Church to help set things up for tonight's event.

  The church,  Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Wakefield, was built in 1876 and has some beautiful woodwork as well as lovely stained glass windows - including two by Tiffany!


It is nice to meet many of the people that we've heard about, people that are now an integral part of Brett and Dave's lives!  There are tables to set up,  tablecloths, flowers and chairs to place, etc.  A wonderful woman named Catherine has things very organized and there are quite a few parishoners helping, so things go well. 


We go home to change and hang out till it is time to go back to the church for some final touches.

Very moving ceremony in which Brett is "officially" accepted as Rector, and a nice homily by Bishop Gates about us all being "there if you need me" for others.  

Several people from the choirs where Brett has been previously have joined the Emmanuel choir, so there is lovely music. 

 There are many clergy here also, including friends and folks that Brett has served with in the past. 

 An overflow room with video is set up so that latecomers can be part of the service.  Garth and Kathy join in, as well as some of Dave's family from Rhode Island!

The  social hour (or so) follows.

and then we begin to help with the tear down. Again, many hands make light work.

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