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Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Sept 18, Monday in Stockholm

 Monday, Sept 18

Free Day in Stockholm today.  DeeDee has mentioned the Photography Museum, so we decide to head there after another hearty breakfast . We add another day to our transportation card, and take a bus toward the museum. It is in an odd location on a narrow road below some cliffs along the water.  We get off at a bus stop and walk, only to discover that we can SEE the museum below us, but can't get to it because of the cliffs.  We have to walk about a half mile before we find a way down.

It turns out to be just so-so.  There are three artists' shows and that is all. Peter Lindberg who does black and white photos of models in rather "un-model like" settings - I like his work. 

  Next is Sharon Nest whose display is called The Fury - Women's Bodies & Sexual Exploitation of Female Prisoners. 

 Lastly Uncensored. LAdeY.... 

 We are in an  area of major commercial construction, not very attractive, though it looks like older buildings, like the Photography Museum, are undergoing refurbishing. A woman at the museum tells us where to walk and cross a bridge to the Old Town area.  Seems easier to walk than figure out the bus/subway/train/whatever!

Interesting "little library" along the way.  Also a  drive-through coffee shop for cyclists.

And then we are back to a nicer area by the harbor.

Old town has cobblestone streets and a variety of shops and old buildings.  We decide to pick up a red horse, which is a symbol of Sweden - this shop had lots and they are made not far from here.

The main square is a colorful and busy place. 

The Nobel Museum is on one side, many shops and restaurants as well. 

 We decide to try some Swedish Meatballs at a restaurant called: 

Forget about trying to pronounce it!

Tasty meal as it is served with traditional mashed potatoes, cucumbers and lingonberry sauce.

 We are here about mid-day and our waiter, Peter,  tells us some of the history of the square.  Most notably, the Danish King visited and his soldiers attacked the Swedes, beheading 86 people.  One of the buildings where it took place has white stones among the red, one for each person slaughtered.

He then took Beth downstairs to show part of the original building from 1590 - stone walls where they've created a banquet room. Arched ceiling with no beams! There was another small room which Peter said acted as a "jail" where rowdy sailors could "sleep it off".

We wonder past the Royal Palace and some ornate buildings and come across a lovely garden area with nice flowers and fountain.  It also features a large Ikea photo op display - a shelving unit with chairs.  

We find another Subway station with interesting artwork, and manage to find our way back near the hotel.  Lots of walking today - we're tired! 

We go to the Bishops Arms, which is attached to the hotel, where we share a fish and chips and Greg samples a local brew. Chat with DeeDee and a few other folks in the hotel lounge.

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