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Monday, November 13, 2023


OCTOBER 4-29, 2023  MAINE with PA, MA, DE STOPS

October 4-5-6
Beth tested negative yesterday after we both came down with COVID while in Scandanavia.  So we packed the new Trek.   It is a 2008 Popular with just over 50,000 miles. Off about 8:00 on the 4th. Lots of rain most of the day, Greg drove to our usual stopping point at Mike Freeze Wattensaw Wildlife Management Area, east of Little Rock, Arkansas.  One other rv down the road.  Quiet walk and uneventful night there.  Hit the road again on the 5th and stopped in Brinkley for breakfast at a McDonalds.  White cotton fields through the rain. Through Memphis and across the l-o-o-n-n-g state of Tennessee.  We stopped for the night at a Cracker Barrel not too far from the Virginia border.  Had dinner there, fried chicken and meat loaf.  Next day was the long haul to Greg's sister Gwynne's house in West Chester, PA. 

 About midway, Beth noticed that the house batteries were very low - they were not being charged while we drove, as they are supposed to be!  After posting on a road trek facebook site,  a usually reliable guy said it probably was the Separator.  Learning curve - the separator is located by the chevy battery where it uses that battery to also charge the house batteries. Stopped for gas and ask a nearby mechanic about it.  He directed us to Seemore Truck who also work on rv's.  Everyone was at lunch, so we waited and a nice guy checked it out.  He verified that the Separator was not working but didn't have a part.  Called two others who didn't have the part.  (We ran the generator for a while which also charges the house batteries.) 

So as Greg drove, Beth started calling RV places around Gwynne's.  Even the few that could work on it didn't have the part and couldn't get it for anywhere from a week to four weeks!  Beth found the identical part on line at a company in Oregon who could get it to us in three days.  So we are having it sent to Greg's brother Brett's.  Brett said he'd find a mechanic who could do the replacement.  In the meantime, we can plug in at Gwynne's to charge things, or run the generator.  

Got to Gwynne's about 7:00 and were able to plug in and relax with a bowl of her wonderful soup. Thank you, Gwynne!

October 7, Saturday
Slept in and then, after a quick breakfast,  were off to visit Mom at Garden Spot Village in New Holland where she lives in an assisted living apartment.  About a 40 minute drive.  We stopped to get her some flowers along the way.   Found her in good spirits and looking good! 

We had a nice lunch at The Harvest Table.  Later, Mom put on all her orange gear for a photo we'll carry with us at the walk, since she won't be able to travel with us...

Then back to Gwynne's so she can begin packing and we can relax a bit.  We enjoyed Philly Cheese Steaks from Sabatino's, her local Italian restaurant, for dinner.  Her house looks great and we talked briefly with neighbor Bob, who was celebrating his last day of work as he retires.  Flowers still in bloom here!

October 8  Sunday
Relaxing morning, running a few errands, then off to Mom's again for some more chatting.  Met a few of Mom's friends/acquaintances as we walked around.   Had dinner with her at the Coop - another eating option where there are servers.  We passed on Mom's liver and onions (!) but enjoyed a tasty meal.  

Back to Gwynne's where we packed for an early departure tomorrow, heading to Massachusetts
and brother Brett's.

October 9  Monday
Pretty good traveling as we head up the Jersey Turnpike, through New York and Connecticut and into Massachusetts to Brett's.  About 6-7 hours with stops for gas and a quick bite. 

Brett's house was a welcome sight and pretty, too, with fall colors in the woods surrounding his and Dave's home.  Oscar, their boxer, was excited to welcome us too!  We got to see their gorgeous remodeled kitchen, and a beautiful mosaic hearth created by an artist friend.  

And their new, bigger deck!  Gorgeous!

Oscar is unimpressed.

Brett and Dave checked out some of our itinerary for Maine and made a few suggestions, since they vacation there quite often.

 Dave, the bartender, created some killer cocktails.  (One and I was about to slide under the table!)  

Greg and I have opted to sleep in the Trek, while Gwynne slept inside.  Temps are a bit chilly - in the 40's -but we just add a blanket, as we like that better than running a heater.
Tomorrow is Brett's installation celebration at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Wakefield where he is the new rector.  He's been there 7 months already, but this is the official installation with Bishop Alan Gates and lots of other folks in attendance.  It is a big event and we will spend a good bit of time tomorrow helping to get ready for the celebration!

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