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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Sunday 9/4/22 Laramie

 Sunday 9/4

Well, we've booked flights on United, leaving Denver on the 12th and returning on the 23rd. Looking into how to get from Denver back to Laramie when we return.

Breakfast, play with Buca and talk with Tim.  Then we decide to explore the University of Wyoming a bit, since one entrance is just across the street.  Greg needs another book to read, so we'll check out a couple of book stores too. 

 This fun bookstore is all used books - and a coffeehouse.  Lots of smallish rooms upstairs and Tim tells us later that that's because it use to be a whorehouse!

Nice campus.  Fairly empty today since most everyone is at the big Football game!  Football is BIG here, with folks coming from all over the state to attend. (Not a whole lot of options in this state!) One young girl notices my camera and tells us where there is a good spot for a photo - lots of flowers.  But neither of us remembers her directions, haha.

  Tim tells us that the state of Wyoming has a lot of money from oil and gas - and not a big population, so all the University buildings are nice and paid off!  Tuition is low - lower here for Colorado residents than it is in their own Universities. Most of the buildings are stone, and some of the newer ones are quite beautiful! Tim says the student population is about 13,000.  Tom and Sue met while attending University here and I wonder whether our footsteps today intersect with any of theirs from the past...

We can hear the cheers coming from the stadium and find out later that the good guys won - in triple overtime!  Some interesting outfits on many students, along with a variety of hair styles.  Some things never change...

We spend some time unloading the Trek.  Fridge and freezer need to be emptied. Fortunately Tim has a fridge in the apartment that is partially empty. We'll bequeath everything not eaten to him!  Next, we go to the local Walmart and purchase two small duffle-type bags that we can carry on the plane.  (We never travel with luggage in the Trek but have a whole closet full of the stuff at home!)  Deciding what to leave and what to take, and what will fit where takes a little while.

Anita and Kevin will be arriving here tomorrow and Tim has extended an invitation for them to stay here. He is so kind!  We'll do a little exploring around here in their truck after we drop off the Trek.  I make up the other beds. We share some chicken on the grill for dinner, along with a fried rice dish from the freezer and broccoli.  Tim serves us some fresh baked zucchini bread with a scoop of ice cream for dessert. The bread has a touch of cinnamon and is delicious!  He jokes that people around here wind up their windows and lock their car because if they don't, it will get filled with zucchini these days!  Actually he says their crime rate is really low and most people (including him) leave their houses unlocked.  The construction workers leave their tools and equipment in place for the next day.  Yikes - it would all be gone overnight if that happened at home...

Nice evening to sit outside in Tim's front yard.  Sweet breeze, and Buca loves the attention. She and Greg are becoming good buddies and Tim is just delightful.  He has always lived here and was a county commissioner for a dozen years, and he is thoughtful and well traveled. 

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