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Wednesday, September 28, 2022

9/9/22 -9/12/22 Family in Denver, Gems, Gardens and more


The family has gathered.  After breakfast, we all head out.  Chap and Mam to their booth at the Gemshow, Anita and Kevin in search of rocks to take back to their shop, John and Yvonne and Greg and I to check out the show.... missions accomplished!

Our cousin Mary and her husband JC are in town from San Diego and want to get together.  We plan on an informal dinner and give them directions to the house.  A taco dinner.  Greg gets the "Extreme Preparation" award for figuring out how to open a can of refried beans without a can opener!  Not exactly gourmet fare, but we didn't come here to cook!

Fun time looking at old pictures and reminiscing.  Mary is about the same age as Tom. Her Mother  Marguerite and our Dad, John, were the oldest of 9 children.  JC, an ex-lawyer is a hoot!  

Several of the stories we are hearing feature Tom and Chap.  Chap naturally says that Tom is the one that led him astray - stealing and smoking cigarettes, throwing tomatoes at someone's house, etc.  We call Tom to give him a chance to defend himself, but he "claims the fifth". Hmmmmm...

Next day we visit the gemshow again.   Yvonne and I make a few small purchases and John buys some earrings for Yvonne. The show is interesting and has some pretty amazing things.  Also lots of duplication of stones, fossils, lamps and other items.  Overall it is not as impressive or diverse as Tucson, imho, but it is bigger than I expected. Many crystals appealing to those who adhere to crystal therapy, etc.   We particularly admire some salt and pepper diamond earrings that Chap's booth has, but $32,000 is a bit much - even when Yvonne and I offer to each wear one!

We take Mam with us when we leave the show and go to the nearby Forney Museum of Transportation.  Lots of old cars, trains, motorcycles and bicycles.  Many of the bikes look familiar after reading a recent book about a black cyclist (Major Taylor) involved in the early days of bicycle racing.  The high wheeler is actually the first bicycle... it was seen as replacing the horse and was condemned by many.

We go to the Butcher Block Cafe for a late lunch.  Definitely a local hang out but the food is pretty good - your basic sandwiches, salads and burgers. Yesterday we had a hard time trying to find a lunch spot, mainly because on-street parking is crazy in the city! 

Mary and JC come back for a pasta primavera dinner and the stories continue. Some new, some old. Mary and JC bring some excellent cheesecakes for dessert. Unfortunately the kitchen dining table only seats six, but we find some stools downstairs and manage to make room for 10 here and there. And the refrigerator froze the salad greens along with a couple of beers!

On Sunday, Chap and Mam go back to the show.  The rest of us go to explore the Denver Botanical Gardens which are really exceptional!  A few buildings house tropicals and other items, but most is outdoors and it is a beautiful day! 

The bonsai exhibit is exceptional!

We have a nice lunch at their cafe. 

A little corn hole back at the house.

  John and Greg go get some Papa Murphy's pizzas for tonight's dinner.

Sad good-byes Monday morning.  John and Yvonne graciously offer to take us to the airport a couple of hours before they need to be there.  Anita and Kevin take off early, as they have to be back in PA for a closing on the sale of their business property.  Mam will head to the airport later, as the first of several of her flights back to Thailand leaves at 7:00.  Chap will continue with the show for a couple of days before his son Chuck arrives to drive with him to Cody, WY  to visit his daughter and her family.  Chap isn't sure if he'll be traveling back to the states again, so it is a sad farewell.  (Though there is some talk of meeting up in Hawaii at some time...)

Good-bye Denver!  (We'll be back in two weeks to drive to Laramie and reclaim the Trek!)

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