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Tuesday, November 7, 2017

PA Catchup day with Ravioli, Oct 25 2017

October 25, Wednesday

Anita and Kevin are off to work and Greg and I spend the morning doing laundry, cleaning out the Trek and catching up on emails and such.  Still working on getting an insurance settlement from the accident 7 months ago!  ...maybe for Christmas!

This afternoon we head to a small town named Jacobus to visit an antique shop called Greybeards.  It takes up the basement and three floors of a large old house and has about anything you can think of, from furniture to clothes, jewelry, knick-knacks, kitchen items, tools and more.  We purchase a pair of old ice skates - the kind that adjust and fit over your shoe/boot, and a couple of pieces of old beveled glass. There is a couple from Japan shopping there and she says they will buy a whole container full and ship it home for re-sale.

The countryside here is so different from Texas, and even different from my memories of living in this area.  I guess those memories have faded after years of living in a very flat, heavily populated area.  I forget that as a kid growing up less than an hour from here, our home was the last house on our road before the road went from paved to dirt and it was rare to see traffic on that road.  I forget that we lived in a valley, surrounded by great sledding hills. I forget that we were surrounded by fields, farmland and woodlands.  My sister complains that this area is burgeoning and traffic is getting bad and the house where we lived - that quiet little valley with no near neighbors - is now an oasis surrounded by developments.

Anita and Kevin come home and we decide to make some homemade ravioli for dinner.  Everyone pitches in and Greg becomes quite proficient at filling and sealing the ravioli, while Kevin is the expert at making the pasta with a neat little extension that fits on their kitchenaid.  I make the filling and Anita makes the dough along with a tasty salad.  Great dinner!!

Anita and I stay up late talking.  Just before climbing into bed I check the Astros score and find out they are in the 11th inning, so I sneak back to the living room, mute the TV and watch the Astros win game 2 of the World Series!

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