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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

October 19-21, 2017; North Reading & Brain Tumor Walk

October 19, 20, 21  North Reading/ Brain Tumor Walk

We spend the day doing odds 'n' ends, helping Brett with a few things, catching up on emails and such.  Greg's Mom and sister Gwynne (long time, no see :)) arrive in the evening.  Brett and Dave are off for a performance.

Saturday,  after breakfast we do some yard work and enjoy catching up on news.  We admire some new landscaping and enjoy watching the birds in their back yard.

 Greg's brother Garth and sister-in-law Kathy arrive around noon and Brett has planned a wonderful turkey dinner - an early Thanksgiving, as we are all thankful to be together and in good health.  Kathy provides a season-appropriate delicious desert of pumpkin cheesecake.

David the Mixologist!

Gwynne and Brett checking the bird.

An early night, as tomorrow morning will be busy with the walk.  Brett is co-captain of the Oligo team, so there is some set-up and speaking to be done.  A beautiful day is predicted!  Yeah! (Everyone remembers some wicked weather days in the past.)

Sunday, October 22

The next morning, Sunday,  is beautifully cool and clear as we head into Boston for the National Brain Tumor Walk.  Some familiar faces and new ones as folks gather.  All together Team Oligo has quite a crowd!

 Mom, Kathy (fractured foot) and Beth sit out the walk, but enjoy the day and cheer everyone on.

The walk earned over $400K, and Brett was the number 2 fund raiser this year with over $30K!

Afterwards, we pack everything up and everyone goes their separate ways, as Brett and Dave have another performance this afternoon.  We tag-team a bit with Mom and Gwynne as we both head through Boston and south toward Pennsylvania.  Lots of traffic, so it is a long haul.  Greg and I take a little detour through Newark, oops! So glad we don't have to drive this way often!!  Some pretty Fall colors help.

We arrive at Mom's in New Holland, PA about 8:30, in time for hugs and goodbyes with Gwynne.  Watch a little football with Mom and have some ice cream, of course.  Mom graciously gives up her bed for us!  Thanks, Mom!

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