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Monday, September 16, 2013

September 15, 2013 PA and northward

Sunday, September 15

Left Kevin and Anita's after a great breakfast which included scrapple, a PA Dutch treat and headed north.  Went through Harrisburg and the traveled along the Susquehanna River north to Wellsboro, PA where Greg's grandfather used to live.
Harrisburg, PA's capital, reflected in the Susquehanna River

We found an outfitter near Wellsboro that was open and had bike tires, so we were able to get Greg's bike fixed in time for a ride on the local Rails-To-Trails trail.  Weather is overcast and in high 50's - good for riding!   Across from the trail parking lot was an interesting collection of railroad cars, so we wondered around there for a bit.  They run excursions at times, but no one was around today.

Rails-to-Trails Trail near Wellsboro

Our first Rails-to-Trails

Interesting Coach from Wellsboro


Next we headed to Colton Point State Park, where we spent the night on a nice quiet park road that the man at the Outfitters had suggested.  Beautiful gorge view (The Pennsylvania Grand Canyon) on the way and lovely tree-covered mountains.
PA Grand Canyon

Interesting Fungi

Boondocking, Colton Point State Park

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