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Monday, September 30, 2013

September 29,2013 Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia

Sunday, September 29

More photos in morning light at Peggy’s Cove.
Then headed south towards Lunenburg.  More scenic coastal villages, including Mahone Bay, where three churches edge the bay.  We walked to a nearby Flea market where Beth found a cool wooden sand timer that a lady was selling as part of her parents' estate.  
Three churches, Mahone Bay

Adirondak Chairs in bright colors are everywhere

Signs of Fall, Mahone Bay
Lunenburg is a very old town with many houses built in the late 1700's and early 1800's.  Most are labeled as to their "former lives" as homes to shipbuilders, sea captains and such.  Most now are catering to the tourist trade, with shops, restaurants, B&B's, etc. There were many ships in the harbor, including the beautiful schooner Blue Nose II, which is very famous in these parts.  
We walked around town and learned about fishing, rum-running and other sea-related history.  There is a large memorial listing all the boats and sailors lost at sea since the mid-1800's.  Quite a list!

Memorial to those lost at sea

Schooner Blue Nose II

Homes overlooking Lunenburg Harbor

Took a wrong turn which Greg swears I planned, to yet another lighthouse at Port Medway, after which we turned inland and headed across the Island.  Very wooded, small towns and a few farms.  Here we are beginning to see some color in the trees, which was even better when we reached Kejimkujik National Park.

Wonderful park!  We splurged on electricity,  took a nice bike ride along the lake and Greg chopped some wood for a fire.  Chatted for a while with a local man who helps keep tabs on the endangered Blanding turtles found here, protecting the nests, counting hatchlings, etc.  Cooked burgers over the fire and had long hot showers..aaahhh!  Couldn't get their "free wi-fi" to work...oh well.
 Good night!


  1. I want pictures of Greg chopping wood.

    Sharon S.

    1. Also, beautiful picture of the lighthouse and the other scenery.

      Sharon S.
