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Sunday, July 3, 2016

June 25, Saturday PA; New Holland, June 26-30

June 25, 2016

We hang out at the campsite for a while.  Beth showers and we have breakfast  and empty tanks before hitting the road once again.  A wonderful 69 degrees.

We decide that today will be majorly a driving day and head east on I-80 for about 150 miles.  Nice wooded rolling hills/mountains with frequent rivers and streams. PA is the hardwood capital of the world, though there are some evergreen trees here and there.  Traffic is light and the road good.

We leave I-80 near State College and meander south and east through Center Hall where there is a large community garage sale going on. We bypass Harrisburg and head to Lancaster, where we decide to stop at an LA Fitness for a workout before heading to Greg's Mom's in Garden Spot Village, New Holland.  We are in Amish country, passing fields of corn, soybeans and tobacco and encountering a few horse and buggies.

Great to see Mom again!  We enjoy catching up, go to visit Dad and then enjoy soup and salad for dinner.  Beautiful weather, beautiful evening, comfy bed!

June 26, 2016

After breakfast, we pick up Mom's friend Lorraine and go to church with them this morning.  Nice service and another beautiful day.  We see Dad for lunch and decide that we should move on to Gwynne's today.  We are going to help with her "honey-do" list for a few days and need to get some direction before she heads to work tomorrow morning.

We spend the next few days painting outdoor furniture, trimming bushes, caulking and other odd jobs, with a little time in the pool here and there.  Mom drives down to spend several hours most afternoons and we have dinner together - grilling hamburgers one night, kohlbassi another.  Gwynne takes off Tuesday afternoon and all day Thursday and 3 sets of hands accomplish quite  a lot!

Power washed and paving sand added.

Greg hands the chairs upside down from this tree to paint the bottoms.

Beth, Gwynne and Mom enjoying the pool.


  1. It looks GREAT and I know that it's the result of many long hours of scrubbing, sanding, and in general hard, hard work. You guys rock! Gwynne's set for the year! Garth and I know who're Gwynne's favorite siblings now!

  2. Hanging the chairs upside down off the trees was a MacGyver-like move that is typical of his ingenuity; Dad'd be very proud, Greg. We've got nothing that big planned for your visit up here!
