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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

April 4, 2014 Benson, Tom & Sue's

April 4 Benson AZ

Good rest last night and woke to 37 degrees and sunny this morning.  Brief walk and breakfast with hot coffee and tea to warm up a bit!  Then we headed for Tom & Sue's in Benson, with a stop at the local Walmart for batteries and a few goodies.

We arrived at Tom & Sue's and they graciously allowed us to park in the drive/carport - nice fit.  We spent the day visiting, going for a neighborhood walk and admiring the roses and various other flowering plants. They have several cacti in the front and they are beginning to bloom.  There are many quail strutting around the neighborhood and a few cottontails as well.  Showered and did a load of laundry.

Took the obligatory photo - with a brisk wind doing a number on my hair!  I'll have to visit Photo Shop when I've got more time!

 Then settled in to watch the college basketball semi-finals. Enjoyed some fresh guacamole - avocados only a quarter each here!  Had to cheer for Mom's Duke team and they did well against Michigan State.

                                          GO DUKE!

 Sue and I took a nice walk but returned to catch the exciting finish of the Wisconsin vs Kentucky game where Wisconsin squeaked by undefeated Kentucky.  Tom grilled burgers and dogs and Sue added lots of good food including wonderful fruit.  Neighbors Pat and Laurie joined us for dinner and some basketball.  We will have to find a spot to watch the championship game on Monday.

Nice to catch up and Tom & Sue shared some ideas for things to do and see in the southwest.  Nice night's rest with temps cool but comfortable.

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