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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Monday, June 2, 2014 Alexandria, Minnesota

Monday, June 2

They mowed the grass at the Walmart we were staying at last night about 10:00!  Just getting dark.  This morning we drove over to Mickey D’s for coffee and wi-fi.

Here we are in Alexandria to visit “Big Ole”, the largest Viking in the world.  Actually was part of the 1964 World’s Fair exhibit about the Kensington Runestone.  The Runestone Museum was just across the street.

Here’s the runestone.   It was found in a Swedish farmer’s field in 1898 and there was some controversy over its authenticity at first.  But several experts have tested and translated it and believe it was left in Minnesota by Vikings in 1362.  There are several other rune writings that have been found in Ohio, Oklahoma and North Dakota.  Take that, Christopher Columbus!
parfletch made of animal skins

The museum also had some exhibits on the Dakota and Ojibwe Indians, and extensive  displays related to the history of the area, from mounted animals to military weapons.  One display  followed the Johnson family who came from Sweden in the early 1800’s, ( Think we are related?) including clothing, photos, household goods, etc.

Johnson family exhibit
2/3 model of a Viking merchant ship, complements of the Smithsonian.

When we asked the docents about other things to see in their area, they suggesed Inspiration Peak, so we wound our way there.  Got our cardio climbing to the top!  This was a favorite spot of native son Sinclair Lewis.

Next stop was Phelps Mill, an old mill built in the late 1880’s.  It ground mostly wheat and is largely intact, with good signage but no staff.  Roller Mills were the newest technology at the time and in 1892 they processed 44,000 bushels of wheat!  There were several young men fishing with bow and arrow.

Since we are almost in North Dakota, we head back east, closer to the GRR.  The countryside is dotted with lakes of all sizes.  We stop at the library in Staples (the town) only to find they have router issues, so we couldn’t connect to wi-fi.  The librarian suggested the hospital down the road, so we sat in their lobby and used the internet for an hour or so.  Very fast!  Took care of some bills and banking.

We are seeing more evergreens, many lakes and more horses.  Many resorts and lakehouses around the lakes.  Many establishments have “Welcome Fishermen” signs out.  Has been very windy all day, so Greg has been wrestling a bit with the Trek.

We pass through the town of Pequot Lakes, with this cute “bobber” water tower.

Spahetti and meatballs in the trek for dinner tonight. 

1 comment:

  1. OF COURSE you would find the Johnson ancestry on this trip! That's fantastic - and hilarious. We're everywhere ;)... None of the pictures look anything like us, do they?
