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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

June 4 Jasper, Malign Canyon & Lake

June 4, 2013
Woke to sunshine and a beautiful blue sky – hurrah!  Enjoyed oatmeal and oranges and ran the heat pump a bit to take off the chill.  Nice having electricity.

We headed out the road from Jasper to Malign Canyon, Medicine Lake and Malign Lake. Gorgeous scenery everywhere. 

Malign Canyon was striking in the early morning light.

chock stone (boulder caught between canyon walls)

Cloud Reflections

Medicine Lake

Medicine Lake was still and mirrored the surroundings beautifully.

Spotted this bear which was lying down eating and causing a "bear jam" along the highway.

Back into town with the goal of finding the library and wi-fi.  However, the library was under construction, so we settled for a little café called Soft Rock Café.  Sat outside and enjoyed a pizza and people-watching while blogging.  We shed jackets and the locals were breaking out the shorts and halter tops!  (Sorry no pic).

Time to turn eastward and north as we are only one day away from the beginning of the Alaska Highway in Dawson Creek.

Saw several elk and deer along the road.  Decided to explore a side rode that went, eventually, to a hot springs resort at Mettite.  Very windy road with switchbacks, but beautiful scenery. 
Spotted a black bear on the road but he disappeared quickly into the woods.  After several stops for pictures, we reached the hot springs and were, literally, surrounded by a herd of mountain goats.  They seemed very interested in the Trek!

Two bus loads of school children arrived shortly after we did, so we passed on going in the pool.  Headed back to the highway and on to Hinton where we will stay at a Walmart with lots of other travelers.  Using the free Wi-Fi at McDonald’s down the street.  Is this called freeloading?

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures and commentary. Keep them coming. Looks like some very scenic places. I imagine the camera is getting quite a work out. Enjoy --- Mike S.
