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Friday, October 11, 2019

Sept 27-29,2019 Gem Show

September 27-29

Anita and Kevin are members of the Gem Cutters Guild of Baltimore and this weekend is their big show, which is a fundraiser for the Guild.  Greg and I were here last year and helped out a bit, so we've been invited back.

Today,  Friday, was set-up day, so we spent a good while down there - about a 45 minute drive - helping to arrange things and prepare.

 There were 36 vendors who were also setting up their areas.

  Our biggest area of help was the Gem Mines,  an area were folks get a pan full of gravel that is seeded with bits of minerals and gems.  This seems a big hit with kids, kids and parents, and sometimes just adults.  Some of the bits of gemstone come from our brother's cutting shop in Thailand.  Others are local finds or donations from members and vendors.  Each participant will  get a magnifying glass and tweezers to help sort. 
Or the Wishing Well, that was full of grab bags with fossils, crystals, etc.

A nice group of folks working to get things just right for tomorrow.

Sept 28

The show begins at 10, so most everyone is here by 9:00.  It is a somewhat dreary day which probably is good for the show since there won't be a lot of other outdoor activities going on.  Our friends Scott and Cathy show up,  as do brother John and his wife.

 Beth is appointed photographer so has a lot of fun getting pictures of vendors and participants.  Over 1,000 adults and nearly 500 kids make an appearance!

Beautiful carvings, jewelry, fossils, etc.

Some folks enjoying the Gem Mine...

September 29

Donuts and coffee as we prepare for the opening.

A little slower morning, but the crowd ebbs and flows.  There is also a Baltimore Ravens football game this afternoon, so that may have made a difference.  Though slightly less than yesterday, there is still a pretty steady flow until near 5:00 closing time.

More interesting items for sale.

Some of the guild members do demonstrations too, of cutting, faceting, polishing, wire work and other skills.

We stay for part of the tear-down and then head back to Anita and Kevin's.  Long day... great show!

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