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Thursday, March 14, 2024

Saturday, February 24 Back to Nairobi

Saturday, Feb 24

Pretty much a travel day.  We depart after breakfast, heading back to Nairobi and the Boma Nairobi Hotel. 

We pass a group of giraffes on the way out of the park.  A standing group is called a tower of giraffes.  A walking group is called a Johnnie.  My favorite group name is the Dazzle of Zebras!

 Back on paved roads, we pass through a couple busy trading stations. There are still cattle grazing along the road.  There are people on motorbikes carrying goats or sheep, and even a few vehicles with animals tied to the roof! This guy was carrying milk cans.  Apparently Saturday is a big market day!

If you can afford a power washer, you own a car wash.

Some fertile fields ready for planting.

Scaffolding where they are building looks like just a collection of branches tied together.

We climb a mountainous area and it begins to rain.  The "fantastic view" from atop the mountain is nothing but clouds.

 There are people roasting and selling corn on the cob along the road here.  We see a few truck drivers making purchases.

Traffic is heavy and slow going, as there are many trucks and no passing lanes.  At one point we are stopped for nearly 30 minutes due to a broken down truck.

It wasn't always clear which washrooms were which, but this sign was pretty clear.

Back closer to the city, things became more congested.

We arrive in Nairobi for a late lunch at the famous Carnivore Restaurant.  As you'd surmise, meat is the main attraction.  I suspect it used to be more exotic, but with so much wildlife protected, the menu runs more to beef, lamb, pork, chicken, turkey and a few exotics like crocodile and ostrich meatballs!  Delicious chocolate desert. 

Adam leads the way...

 All is closely watched by vervet monkeys who swoop in for an occasional steal.  Adam wards them off by bending as though he is picking up a rock and making a throwing motion.   He laughingly says it doesn't work if a white person does it because the monkeys know only blacks throw things at them.  The rain continues, but we are under roof so - no worries.

We continue on to the hotel and a little R&R before a 7:30 dinner.  We switch rooms due to a very noisy AC and a toilet that won't quit running.  Nice to catch up on FB, e-mails, etc.  We have found a couple of post cards and stamps so it will be interesting to see IF and WHEN they arrive back in the States.***

***Note:  It took a month, but two of the four postcards arrived, so far....

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