Monday, Feb. 26
Another restless night. At this rate our bodies will get adjusted just in time for the return trip! Oh well...
Greg goes to the dining room early this morning for coffee, but comes back to get me because Mt Kilimanjaro is visible this morning! It is 19,340 feet! It is the largest free-standing mountain in the world - meaning it is not part of a range - and the highest point in Africa.
We head back to Amboseli this morning. There are a few wet areas in the park, some springs originating on the mountain and running underground to the park. Some of the animals, like this elephant and a trio of hippos, enjoy getting muddy - helps with the insects and the hot sun!
There is even a large shallow lake that varies seasonally. Beautiful flamingos. The lesser flamingos are pink and the greater ones are white and there are thousands.

Other parts of the park are grassy and some are quite dry, with the wind stirring up some dust devils.
We come across several groups of elephants that are on the move, running. Adam surmises that they may be running from bees, as the Africanized bees can possibly kill a baby elephant!??
Giraffes, far and near. Looks like they are all wearing fake eyelashes!
After a stop at Rocky Hill Picnic Site for lunch, we wind through the park and back to our lodge.
Some grazing wildebeest and zebras.
Our lodge has a bar called "Hemingway's" because of the time he spent here. Greg goes to a tour and talk about Hemingway's house. ( The presenter's uncle knew him.) Quite a unique building that was built in 4 months!

Nice dinner tonight where we bid farewell to the five people not going on to Tanzania, along with our Kenya drivers. Greg and I have a nice conversation with Gordon who talks about and shares photos of his family (on phone of course). New vehicles and drivers at the border tomorrow!
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