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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Jan 26, 2019 Pinnacles National Park

January 26

Temperature this morning at 8:00 was 29 degrees - glad we had the heater last night!

The turkeys and deer made themselves at home in the campground this morning.  It is mating season and the toms were showing off quite a bit!

 There are a lot of quail along the streambed behind our campsite too.  Lots of ground squirrels too - they look just like our squirrels, but live under ground.

We decided to hike this morning on the Balconies Trail which is about 5 miles long.

 Unfortunately the cave which is a popular destination is closed due to cave-ins with all the recent rains, but it was still a nice walk through interesting rocks, streams, trees and other fauna.
 Part of the trail was in shade and quite moist, with ferns and various moss and fungi.

 Here are some of the rock formations that have given the park its name.

Someone added the eyes to this huge rock - reminded us of the Grinch.

  One tree dropped these "fruits" about the size of small apples, many of which were beginning to sprout.
 No rangers, so no one to ask about them. (I find out later that they are horse chestnuts.)
  We had to cross a lot of small streams, but fortunately it is rocky and we usually found a way across.  Greg got me trekking poles for Christmas and this one came in handy multiple times!

 These huge pinecones were about the size of a pineapple.
 We only saw one other person the whole hike.  They expect the park to officially open again on Monday - glad we could take advantage of "unofficially" being here!

Back at the campsite we relax, write and read.  This big hawk perched by us, which sent all the small birds away.
 We watched for condors, but no luck today.

We drove a total of 10 miles today - a nice change!

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