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Monday, November 14, 2016

November 5, Long Road Home

Saturday, November 5

 Greg decides we might as well hit the road as we both wake early this morning.  It is 66 degrees at 7:00 and the temperature drops to 57 as we head north, through a border patrol checkpoint, then back to Marathon for gas and onward to I-10, the major east-west road in these parts.

We go through some light rain and it remains cloudy all the way to Houston.  
We stop at a rest stop where the remains of the Tunis Creek Stagecoach Stop make an interesting diversion.
 We were going to stop at Junction, which has a nice free camping area in a city park by the Llano River.  But it is only 2:00 and Greg says we might as well push for home.  Traffic gets heavy and slow as we take the loop around the north side of San Antonio.  Every hotel and store you can think of in this 18 mile stretch.

Back on I-10, we head for Houston.  I note all the tire debris along this road and for grins see how much appears in one mile.  I checked 6 or 7 miles and found 7-9 larger pieces per mile, mostly on the shoulder.  Yes, we are still smarting from the earlier damages....

We arrive home just after 7:00.  Chap has been here for a few days and we spend a while visiting and catching up with him.  Unfortunately he isn't feeling very well and turns in early.  We do some basic unpacking but leave most till tomorrow.  

Travel is great, but there's no place like home, Dorothy!

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