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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

West Texas and Home, May 12

May 12  Home again.

Eleven hours to home, through a west Texas that is greener than usual due to lots of recent rain.  It rains most of the way home.  We arrive about 5:45, shower and catch up with Chap for a while before we all go to our local sushi spot for dinner.

Our house seems huge and luxurious after living in the Trek for 6 weeks!

Overall a great trip.  What an amazing country we live in.  The variety of geography, geology and climate we saw on this trip is incredible.  From blooming desert to snow-capped mountains with lots in between!  And, perhaps even more amazing, the variety of people that make up this one, united states of america.  From poor navajos, to hispanic field workers, to those in gorgeous beach houses and sprawling cattle ranches and orchards, to the, fishermen, loggers and city businessmen.  People living hand-to-mouth, those depending on earth's resources for their jobs, and people living in cities whose closest brush with nature is a 1/2 acre green space with playground equipment.

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