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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Indiana, Jul1, 2014

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Hard rain and wind last night and there are lots of branches down.  Still a little cloudy this morning but the air feels wonderfully fresh and clean.

We continue southward on route 43 which on the map looked like a pleasant country road, alternative to a highway.  It is very windy and hilly with occasional small towns.  Mostly woods and fields.  Would be challenging to Mario Andretti and requires Greg's constant focus - oops!   No alternatives so we wind our way southward.  Stop at Avoca Fish Hatchery for a stretch. Nice spring and some unusual flowers.

We stop in Orleans and ask directions to Orangeville Rise.  See some interesting birds and haystacks but find the directions were incorrect, totally wrong direction!

 After calling someone, we get new directions and are assured that it is worth the drive.  It sounded interesting - this is where the "lost river" which travels underground through limestone karst for many miles, surfaces and once again becomes a stream.  It took us quite a while (understatement) to actually find the place and then all it was was pretty much a big muddy pool with a plaque.

 Don't go the the Orangeville Rise! We have to forget French Lick and a few other places we thought we'd visit, as we took most of the afternoon finding this place.  Oh well....

cheering our only goal
We head to Jasper then, where we watch the US Soccer game at Buffalo Wings and Rings.  Good crowd watching the game and Tim Howard was great...given many opportunities to shine!  We lost 2-1 to Belgium in overtime.

 Meantime the rain has returned.  We are thinking of calling an end to the trip and heading for home.  Indiana not too exciting, weather lousy, and it is getting hot.  We aren't anxious to revisit Nebraska, Kansas area this time of year, especially given the odd, stormy weather of late.

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