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Sunday, July 6, 2014

June 30, Indiana

Monday, June 30

72 degrees at 8 AM.  Looks like it will be a warm day.

Having had enough of traffic, crowds, trains, etc. we head out of Chicago toward Indiana.  Still along Lake Michigan, this is a toll road and has a fair amount of traffic.  But it is the fastest route.  We reach  the welcome to Indiana sign about 9:40.

This part of Indiana is very industrial with clusters of modest, simple homes which seem to support the industry.  Several large steel companies.  Indiana doesn't have a lot of lake frontage, so I guess they make the most of it for industry and transportation.

At I65 we veer southward and begin to see more farmland.  Lots of corn, about 4 foot tall now.  We pass a huge wind turbine farm at Wilcott - hundreds of them - but most are not turning.  We can see stormy weather ahead and the wind picks up considerably.

We had been directed to a Visitor's Center on I-65 but it turned out to be unstaffed and was fairly useless.  We did find a better one in Lafayette.  Indiana divides all their literature and information according to county, so it took a while to figure out what counties we were near, etc.   The young attendant was pleasant and helpful.

Lots of day lillies along the highways and in people's yards, mostly the "tiger lily" variety.
 Corn and soybeans everywhere.  Someone told us they usually alternate these two crops yearly. We stop at a museum in Crawfordsville which sounded interesting, but it is only open Wednesday-Saturday. So we continue on to Mansfield Roller Mill, which was built in 1867.  
A picturesque site with a large 247' double-span covered bridge here as well.  A father and son are having a good swim, but the place is deserted otherwise.  Lots of empty buildings as they apparently have big festivals several times a year.

 We next head for Raccon Lake State Recreational Area for a night of camping.  Nice area on Cecil Harden Lake. Nary a mosquito!
Tonight we see something we haven't seen for a long time - fireflies! One even makes it into the Trek so we have a brief illumination.  Lots of birds in the area too, as well as ground hogs.

 Greg cooks burgers on the grill - haven't had much opportunity for this this trip.  We sit outside and relax, and call it a night without seeing the Raccoons which are supposedly "everywhere" here.

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