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Saturday, October 29, 2022


 September 30, 2022 

All packed!  Our neighbor Stephen kindly takes us to the airport around 11:00 for our 3:00 departure on KLM.  Since COVID and staffing shortages, airlines have been a bit less dependable, so best to allow lots of time.  We have also arranged to arrive 2 days early in Edinburgh.  

Our packet of travel information etc. from Go Ahead tours is due to arrive sometime later today, but we've been assured that all arrangements are fine and their app does finally have all the correct information - long story.

KLM treats passengers well and we try, mostly unsuccessfully, to get a little sleep en route to Amsterdam. Lots of food.  Beth watches several movies - Elvis, Downton Abbey, and the latest Minions. Smooth flight and Schipol is fairly deserted when we land at around 6:00AM their time. 

 We accidentally set off an alarm trying to get to our gate - seems they close gates that are traveling to EU countries in between flights and we pushed a button to open the gate.  Security was understanding and helpful and we find out later that 2 others in our group did the same thing.  Lots of tulips and cheese at the airport (and cheese sandwiches on the plane).

We have a four hour layover, so lots of waiting.  Finally we board for the quick 45 minute flight to Edinburgh. And we are happy to find our luggage also arrived!  Next we find a tram for the half hour trip to the city center.  The hotel said it was a 10 minute walk but it was a little more in drizzling rain pulling luggage.  The Mercure is located on the west end of Edinburgh, not far from Haymarket station. 

Nice room.  We take a little while to rearrange luggage, shower and recoup, then, map in hand, head into Old Town - a bit of a walk but interesting.  A light mist comes and goes.  We visit Grassmarket, a pedestrian only road flanked by pubs, shops including a kilt shop, vendors and such. 

We will find churches everywhere.  Some, like this one, have been re-purposed into offices, theaters, hotels, etc.  Love the flowers!

 Our first view of the Castle comes between buildings, and then a nice view from the marketplace. It is built on a rocky outcropping high above the city.  Most all of the streets in this area are cobblestone.

 We walk up Victoria Street and then over to Greyfriar's Kirkyard and the famous statue of Greyfriar's Bobby.  (His nose is shiny as people rub it for good luck.) I remember dreaming about visiting this site when I was exposed to the story in a Disney movie (1961)!

We walk around the graveyard, or kirk, home to hundreds of grave markers dating from the 1500's!

Some of the tombs are built into what was part of the original wall around the city.

We decide to head back to the hotel and find some dinner at a nearby pub called Fountainbridge Fox where we try fish and chips, Greg with a beer and Beth tries a local soft drink called Irn Bru "Old and Unimproved"  (Orangish but not my cup of tea). Apparently peas are a must with fish and chips - tonights are whole, but many are served mashed as "mushy peas".  We are not too far from the University, so see quite a few young people, as well as a few hostels.

 We hold out till about 9:00 and then hope for a good night's sleep, trying to lose that jet lag!


  1. Looks like a fun trip. Great pics

  2. Daniel and I are thinking of a trip to Ireland soon! You pictures make us want to hurry and book it! Thank you for the great pictures!
