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Tuesday, March 8, 2022

2/18/22 Port Charlotte, Mayaka St. Park


Sticky buns for breakfast!  These used to be a special treat when we were growing up, and they still are! Thanks, John.

Greg and I are going to go to Myaka State Park today.  John & Yvonne recommend it for the birds, gators and other animal possibilities. They have to take Yvonne's daughter to the airport and we will meet back at their house later.

The days have started rather hazy, but gradually clear, so it is 76 and cloudy when we leave. The park is about an hour away.  There is a $6 entry fee at the park, and it looks pretty busy.  Signs indicate that the campgrounds ($50 and up) are full! The ranger gives us a map and says not to miss the tree top walk and birds around the lake.

Our first stop is near a bridge where quite a few cars are pulled over.  We walk a bit and see why, as several big alligators are sunning themselves below the bridge.  There is also a spot to launch kayaks or canoes - I can't imagine going anywhere near those gators!

Next we come to the Canopy Walk, which is two towers connected by a swinging bridge type walkway. It is interesting to be above the trees, mainly moss draped oaks and palm trees. 

 The highest point is 76 feet tall.  A smiling gentleman asks us to take a pic for him and does one of us in return. Do you think my hat is bright enough?  Had to buy a new one at Walmart 'cause I left my old standby at home.

We drive on to a large parking area.  This is where the boat concession is, as well as restrooms, a cafe and gift shop and picnic area. There are a lot of folks here but we find a parking spot and walk past all the hoopla, to the lake. 

 There is some construction going on, so the trail has a bit of a detour, but soon we come to some beautiful roseate spoonbills, a tall egret, a glossy ibis and some other birds wading around, eating underwater vegetation.   The ibis is a new one to us, but we ID it from a poster we see later.  A large flock of ducks floats nearby. And a couple of alligators are keeping an eye on things.  

This is the ibis, below. We usually see white ones in Texas.


We birdwatch for a while and start back the trail toward the car.  Beth spots a pair of sandhill cranes walking towards the woods, so we pause to watch them. 

They seem pretty unconcerned about our nearness, continuing walking and eating, even when they are only five or six feet from us. They are about four feet tall and beautiful.

  Sandhill cranes mate for life and I wonder if this is a mated pair. We just stand and watch - and take pictures - until some other folks arrive.

We pass on the boat ride and instead continue past the campground to the North end of the park.  Part way along the road there is a small pond with many birds. 

 Three huge wood storks, many spoonbills and some egrets and herons. Most of them are sort of tucked in, like they are just beginning to stir.  The area is a bit muddy. 

 That and these prickly bushes force people to give them some room.

We continue along the road and at intervals see some large metal cages, around 5' long and 4' tall.  We learn later from John that these are wild pig traps.  They are an invasive species that causes a lot of trouble, so are trapped and removed.   Signs indicate that there are bobcat, bears, deer and other animals in the park.

We see some more sand hill cranes in a green field and Beth approaches them for a few more pictures.

As we pass the campground, we notice a dump station so take advantage of it to empty our tanks. This is a wonderful state park!

On the way back to 75, we stop at Sarasota National Cemetery which Greg had noted on the way to the park.  It has a nice display called Patriot Plaza and various areas dedicated to the different armed services.

We see a few more birds on the way to 75. The skinny neck sticking out of the water belongs to an anhinga, also called a snake bird because of its' long skinny neck.

We arrive back at John's shortly before they do and relax and catch up on emails and such. 

John grills some terrific steaks on his green egg grill, while Yvonne adds new potatoes and asparagus!  Quite a feast! It's nice to catch up a bit and see them healthy and happy!

We play a few more games of marbles, and tonight the women rule!  

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