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Friday, November 8, 2019

October 24 -25, 2019 Cumberland Falls, Natural Arch, Devils Jump, KY then home

October 24 Thursday

This morning it was a chilly 38 degrees at 6:15 as we headed to Cumberland Falls State Resort Park.
A nice park that we've heard a lot about.  We headed first to the Falls area.

Formed 300 million years ago!  The first humans in the vicinity were paleoindians, nomadic wanderers who spent time here about 14,000 years ago.  Shawnee, Chickasaw, Cherokee and Creek Nation visited often in the 1600's. The Falls were "discovered" by pioneers in the late 1700's and the first hotel was built in 1875.

The Falls, referred to by some as "the Niagra of the South", are 68 feet high and 125 feet across. Quite wide.  There is a nice trail along the river with various vantage points.

Very busy in the Summer,  there were still quite a few folks here today.  Some were searching for gemstones at the artificial "mining company".

From the Falls we traveled across the Park to Natural Arch Scenic Area.  There are miles of sandstone cliffs in this area which were eroded by water and ice over the years leaving some interesting formations.  This natural arch is one example.

A short distance south, we stopped at Devils Jump Overlook at Blue Heron Gorge.  This is part of the National River and Recreation Area (NRRA).  There are trails and picnic areas but the area looks like wilderness for the most part.

We continue south and decide to head back towards Texas from here, rather than going farther east to the Smokies - particularly since the forecast for the next few days is rain for most of the southeast.
Some nice scenery along the way!

Greg wants to make it home in 2 days, so we push on and reach Jackson, Tennessee about 7:30PM.  Soup and a sandwich and a good night's sleep!

October 25

Greg wakes early and we hit the highway in the dark -  through Memphis and to Little Rock.  It begins to rain near Little Rock and continues all the way home.  We arrive in Spring about 3:30 in the afternoon.  5,506 miles this trip.  And, as always, it is nice to be home.

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