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Sunday, February 5, 2017

Silver City to Benson, Feb 2

February 2, 2017

Brrrr!  25 degrees this morning! Greg captured the beautiful sunrise on this nice, clear, crisp morning.

We showered and got ready for the day.  Anne had gotten our favorite scones from Diane's bakery. Yum! We are both driving, since Greg and I will take a turn off toward Benson on the way back from the Catwalk.

A little snow atop some of the mountains as we head into the Gila National Forest.  Beautiful scenery!  Beth rides with Anne and we catch up on family, travel, etc.  Windy roads through forested land - much different from southern NM, which is mainly flat and pretty barren.
 It takes a bit over an hour to reach the turn off to the Catwalk and we have to cross a few low water crossings on the way.  The last water crossing, however, is un-crossable!  Due to a wet January and recent snow melt, the usual small dry creek is raging. Even with Anne's 4-wheel drive, we can't risk it.

 Anne had called ahead and they told her the Catwalk is open, which indeed it is if you could get to it.  We walk a ways and Greg scouts ahead but finds rough going and no real trail, so with disappointment, we decide to save this for another trip.

We stop at several sites along the way back south, including beautiful Red Colt  Canyon

and Leopold Vista, named for conservationist Aldo Leopold who, in 1924, persuaded the Forest Service to set aside 75,000 acres of the Gila as wilderness.  Very very sparsely populated but we stop by this ranch for a few photos. Friendly lady in the yard gives us an ok. Nice view to wake up to every day!
 A wonderful area.

At the intersection with 78W, with the Mongollon Mountains (above) before us, we bid goodbye to Anne and head west into the mountains and Apache National Forest in Arizona. Lots of mountain curves and grades and nice scenery. A little more snow at the highest points, but roads are fine. A few spots of water on the road but nothing serious.

We drop south to I-10 and arrive in Benson at Tom & Sue's beautiful new house around 3:45.  Only Anita's husband Kevin is there, so we catch up and see some of the rocks he and Anita have found over the past few days.  1,183 miles from home.

Tom & Sue and Anita arrive shortly and Tom grills burgers for dinner as Chap and Mam arrive back from the Tucson Gem Show where they have a booth for the duration of the 3 week show.  Great to see everyone and we enjoy catching up!

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