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Saturday, October 22, 2016

Fossil Rim, Glen Rose Oct 19

Wednesday, October 19

Continental Breakfast again.  Though this park is older, it is well maintained by the city and the showers and bathrooms are spotless!

Today's main adventure is a trip to Fossil Rim Wildlife Center.  This is a drive-through animal park dedicated to wildlife conservation.  They have about 50 species of animals, many of which are endangered.  They are part of breeding programs for many of the animals which roam a wide area divided into four pastures.
 We are on the first of 2 buses, which departs at 8:45 for a 15 minute drive.  At the Wildlife Center we transfer to smaller open-air buses for a 2-hour narrated tour.

First up are giraffes and Asian red deer (which are in rut).

  We are given food pellets to feed most of the animals, which include assorted deer, antelope, wildebeests, zebras and other hoofed animals.

 There are also quite a few white and black rhinos, ostriches and emus, some of which approach our bus for an expected handout.

 and a large, fenced complex with cheetahs.  It is one of the most successful cheetah programs in the world and we see a few sets of cubs. Cheetahs are actually rather weak when it comes to being predators, fantastic speed but weak jaws and easily run off their kill by other animals.  Their claws are not retractable which gives them good traction (like cleats) when running, but their claws become worn and they are not able to climb trees.

Back at Oakdale, we make some sandwiches for lunch and then do another drive through the countryside.  Too hot for hiking today - near 90 again!

 Tonight we sit with John and Sally from North Carolina, who we first met in Alaska.  John had a major heart attack at age 40, several surgeries, and is going strong at 74.  We check out a modification to the ac in their rig and discover that they travel with a gorgeous 15-year old parrot!  Many of the folks here  travel with dogs, particularly the singles - of which there are 23 here, mostly women!

Dinner is from Hammond's BBQ and is quite tasty!  Apple cobbler with ice cream for dessert!
Tonight's speaker is Melinda Ray, owner and historian from The Historic Nutt House Hotel in nearby Granbury.  An ex-teacher who inherited the Nutt House a few years ago, she makes an interesting presentation.  We will be going to Granbury tomorrow.

There is a pumpkin carving contest later, but we didn't participate especially when we saw some of the entries.
 I'm more of a triangle-eyes and toothy smile person :)

There is wifi, intermittently strong, so we spend some time catching up with emails and working with photos.

There has been a bit of a breeze today, bringing a welcome cold front - hurray!  It has cooled enough that we don't need the air conditioner tonight, just the overhead fan.

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