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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Sunday, February 7

Super Bowl Sunday, but not too many are terribly interested in football, other than Greg and I.  We have other things planned for most of the day.

First is a trip to Gammon's Gulch,  a movie set and museum not far from Benson that Anita read about.  It is easy to find but would be easy to miss if you weren't looking for it.  We get a personal tour from the owner, Jay Gammons, a self-described 70+ year old "energizer bunny".  He owns the property and has been involved in building most of the structures.

His Dad was security for John Wayne and others during filming of many movies here and at other places around Tucson.  Jay himself has been in 11 films with lines in several.  His tour included history, movie trivia and his take on many actors (Val Kilmer, Kurt Russell, John Huston and Barbara Stanwyck were awful to work with while he loved Sam Elliot , Dale Robertson and a few others.)  They had just finished filming a "Zombie Western" which he didn't think much of - when they said they'd send him a copy of the finished film he told them not to bother.

Many of his props have been used in movies filmed elsewhere.  He took us to the the saloon, where he played an ancient piano and then a ukulele, mixed with stories.

He also had a jail, a livery stable, land office, barber shop, blacksmith, church, gallows, and a few others, all furnished with period tools, furniture, saddles, etc.  He had lots of colorful sayings and was quite entertaining.

visiting neighbor at entrance
From here we stopped to look at a few more rocks.  Then back to Benson.  Kevin and I made a quick trip to town to buy some oranges from a guy who sells them from his pick-up regularly.  We bought 6 bags - 30 lbs. - for $15!

Made tacos and guacamole during the game.  Most everyone was for Denver, so were happy with the result.

Tomorrow we will head for Silver City, NM to visit our friend Anne (from the Alaska trip).  Anita & Kevin will spend the day near Tucson before heading back to PA.  Tom and Sue head to Tucson for a bone scan, and Chap and Mam have one more week of the show.

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