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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Oct 18, 2015 Blue Ridge Parkway - Oct 25 Brain Tumor Walk in Boston

October 18
Blue Ridge Parkway

Heading north this morning, we stopped by Mt. Airy, NC which was the setting for the town of Mayberry on the Andy Griffith show.  It being Sunday, there was not much going on except for tourists wandering around town.  A few shops were open, and a few sites like Floyd's Barber Shop from the TV show.

Someone was giving tours in Andy's old sheriff's car.
We moved on and got onto the Blue Ridge Parkway.  The foliage was not spectacular, though there were nice patches of color here and there.  Lots of pumpkins amid the forests.

 We stopped at Mabry Mill,  an old mill that ground corn and flour.  There was a small musical group playing and quite a few visitors on this beautiful Fall day.

We decided to stop at the Rocky Knob national campground for the night.  It was a nice campground with only a few campers. Totally covered by fallen leaves.  Greg made a great campfire as the temperature dropped.  Two large flocks of turkeys ran through the campground, and we saw a few deer nearby. Very cold.

October 19,  
Blue Ridge and Roanoke

Next morning the temp was 34 at the campsite.  We went back the few miles to Mabry Mill which had only a few visitors today, most of whom were photographers.It is a difficult place to photograph, at least at the times we were there, because of the mix of light and dark areas.

It was even colder at the mill!

  Back to the parkway.  There was little traffic (they don't allow trucks), and lovely sites.The speed limit is 45, but you wouldn't want to go any faster.

We decided to get off the Parkway at Roanoke, for gas and a little wi-fi.  The first library we went to was under construction, but the second was ok.  Unfortunately when I opened I-photo, got the message that the data base had to be rebuilt.  It ran for quite a while and finally gave the message that it had re-constructed 30000+ items, however it was still running.  After a while, Greg suggested we exit the program and go back in.  When we went back in, I-Photo was empty! (.Apple does not show the nice little line graph that shows progress)

We found a computer store that worked with Apple products and Eric there was able to repair I-Photo and restore all the pictures (for only $20).  While the repair program ran we went to nearby Mission Barbecue for lunch.  Pretty good brisket and pulled pork.

Back on the road and the Trek was idling badly (again).  We decided to stop at a Walmart in Harrisonburg for the night.

October 20
Family in PA

We hit the road early the morning of the 20th and stopped at a McDonald's for coffee and a breakfast sandwich.  When we came back to the Trek it was running poorly, dying a few times before we were able to get back on I-81.   We decided to detour over to Hanover, PA and Anita and Kevin's house.  Called and asked if they could recommend a mechanic.  We met Anita at their office, dropped off the Trek with their friend Tim, and then went to Anita & Kevin's in their Scion.

Did laundry and showered before Anita & Kevin came home from work, then headed south to a GREAT Italian restaurant in a small town named Manchester, Fratelli's, just over the Maryland line.  Excellent dinner with calamari & mussels for an appetizer and great entrees.  The place was packed on this Tuesday evening.

We did a quick drive-by of the Manchester Fire Dept where Vanessa was on call as EMT and said hello.

We slept at Anita & Kevin's house, as the part for the Trek wouldn't be there till the morning.  What a wonderful port in a storm!!

October 21-23

The Trek was finished (sort of) about 11:15, so we took the Scion and picked it up after breakfast at The Starlight Diner, where eggs, scrapple, home fries, and toast came to a whopping $3.84! Dropped the Scion at Anita and Kevin's place with our thanks and farewells.  Headed to Lancaster where we stopped at an LA Fitness, before heading to Greg's Mom's in New Holland.   Visited and had a nice  meatloaf dinner for which Gwynne joined us.

  Next day we enjoyed the sunrise from Mom's apartment

then we ran some errands and visited some more.
Stopped by a colorful local nursery.

 Took sandwiches and had lunch with Dad, who was much the same. Later in the afternoon we headed to Gwynne's house.  Dropped Mom there and went to a nearby LA Fitness.  Had Sante Fe chili for dinner and hit the hay, planning an early departure tomorrow for Brett's in North Reading, MA - a six hour or so drive.

October 23, Friday
Lots of traffic as we headed east from Gwynne's, to the New Jersey Turnpike and then north.  Pretty foliage through parts of New Jersey, New York and Connecticut.

 Some color in MA too, but a little past peak.  We reached Brett's about 1:30 in the afternoon and visited till Dave got home from work.
Brett & Dave's home in North Reading
 Brett and Dave had made sweet potatoe soup and a roast chicken for dinner.  They had a performance to attend, so Greg, Gwynne and I watched a little TV and called it a night. Not sure how sitting in a car for 7 hours can make one tired, but it did!

October 24

Spent the day preparing for tomorrow's walk and then helping Brett & Dave with their yard and porch,"winterizing". Their home is surrounded by woods, so they have lots of bird feeders and lots of birds, including woodpeckers which are causing problems to their siding.
Mom and I made chicken salad for lunch and I did prep work for the Crawfish Etouffe I am making for dinner.  Mid-afternoon Garth, Kathy and Carolyn arrived.  Garth's arm is in a sling due to a bicycle accident. We played games and visited.   Had Crawfish etouffe for dinner and Kathy brought a lovely apple cake and  a lime cheesecake.

Team Oligo
Great visit and then we bade farewell till tomorrow morning's Brain Tumor Walk.

October 25
Boston Brain Tumor Walk.

Early breakfast and off to the Walk site about 7:00, as Brett & Dave had things to set-up.  Gwynne had purchased a wonderful pop-up tent that kept things dry and organized.  It sprinkled a bit, but nothing heavy.

Lots of friends and family of the four captains, each a brain tumor survivor.  Our team Oligo was top fundraiser and Brett was top individual fundraiser!
Captains: Brett, Tanya, Steve & Rich

My friend Laurie and her husband Mike who live near us in TX were in Boston and came by to walk with us!
Mike & Laurie
 The three mile walk went quickly and then it was time for photos and clean-up.

Back to Brett's where Carolyn had arranged some good snacks that got us through to the wonderful Prime Rib dinner Brett and Dave provided! Great day together!

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