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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Cody, WY July 28, 2015

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

There is snow on the surrounding mountain tops this morning and our temp at 7AM is 34 degrees. 

We decide to try Lamar Valley again, so go back into Yellowstone.  Lots of bison and they are active this morning.  Most are moving to the other side of the river, so we watch them cross. 

We scout for wolves in the area we were told they frequent, but nothing this morning,  so we head back to the Beartooth highway. We see a sign that says the road is closed, but continue another 20 miles before we come to a barricade.  We later learn it was closed because of snow and hail storm!

A type of sparrow breakfasting on seeds.

Beautiful high country, it was 34 degrees at 11AM!  Some lovely wildflowers and clear blue lakes.

Since we can’t continue on, we decide to go to Cody a day earlier than planned, and we take the Chief Joseph Scenic Highway which twists and turns through the mountains.  It is extremely windy, so much so at Dead Indian Vista Point that we can barely stand! Dead Indian Mountain is named so because when the Nez Perce were trying to escape to Canada, they left a wounded indian here and the pursuing army killed him.

I text Sandy as soon as we have signal but only an hour or so away, and she replies that Skylar is home and we should make ourselves at home.   We are greeted by a surprised Skylar and Paul shows up a few minutes later to say hello – his business is just down the road.  We shower and clean up the Trek a bit.  We will sleep in the little guest room Paul has built over his workship, complete with bathroom and shower!  Very nice.
Skylar with Rue (small) and Buddy 

Sandy and Paul come home around 4:30 and we all go out for pizza and then play some Golf (card game).  Parker plays his guitar for us while we play. Fun to hear what everyone is up to but tomorrow is a work day so we call it quits around 10:00 and sleep well.

Wednesday, July 29

Up early to say hi to Sandy and Paul before they leave for work.  I use  their wi-fi for a while, catching up a bit on emails, blog, etc.  Then Greg and I go to the post office and grocery store and get things for tonight’s dinner  - chicken and shrimp fajitas, guacamole, and a bean/corn/peach salsa dish Sandy has on hand.   Paul and Sandy both come home for lunch, so we finish off last night’s pizza.  Later,  Skylar goes with us to run a few errands, including a stop at Pete’s Café for some yummy ice cream. She shows us some of the painted buffalo and bears throughout town.

 They live close to the airport and on the way home we noticed a small plane that was nose down – ambulance and firetrucks there but we later learned there were no injuries, just strong winds.

We share pictures of Thailand with Ky and she shows us pictures she has taken.  She is a mature 13 and filled us in on school, flute and piano playing, girl scouts and more.  Parker, at 14, has a summer job helping do roofing with a relative’s company.  Ky does a lot of babysitting.

We played some cribbage with Ky – she loves games and is good at most of them!
When Sandy got home we got dinner going and ate on the back patio – really pleasant evening! Parker’s friend Casey joined us as he and Parker are on a bike team and have a big ride tomorrow morning. 
Parker (with new hat), Skylar, Paul and Sandy Luthy

Took a few photos, then had angel food cake with assorted berries for desert.

Another round of Golf and good chatter. What a healthy, happy family!

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