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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Saturday, July 18
To Lander and Frye Lake

54 degrees at 7:30 this morning.
 The past few days have been filled with pine scent, but today we switch to sage.   We continue along the Seminoe-Alcova Backway.

Tooling along we see a huge rattlesnake in that typical sindwinder S-pose that was about to cross the road.  We stop and back up and he takes a defensive position.  Impressive size as we eye each other and I snap photos out the driver’s side window.  Since they use heat sensors to find prey, we wonder what this snake makes of this huge metal hot animal called a Trek.  After a few minutes he slithers off.

We pass the “Miracle Mile” where the fishing is supposed to be amazing, and there are a few folks there testing the waters.   A short while later we come to the Alcova reservoir which is like an oasis amidst all the dry country.  Lots of folks enjoying it.

Finally back on pavement on Route 220 west.  This road follows a good bit of the old Oregon trail and we pass Independence Rock (been there, done that) and some other notable sites.  We stop at Martin’s Cove and Devil’s Gate.  The Mormons have a nice facility here which includes a visitor center.  We watch a short film which traces the travels west of a family through the son’s journal.  Brutal conditions, many lives lost – what intrepid travelers those early pioneers were!  They have a display of the handcarts used by some travelers who couldn’t affort horses and wagons.

 We turn north to Lander on 287 – the Chief Washakie Trail.    Lots of sagebrush and snow fences.   Greg says it is like West Texas with hills – vast and monotonous.    Antelope dot the countryside.

We get gas in Lander and then head out of town towards Sinks Canyon and another dirt mountain road.  The attendant at the gas station told us this is Lake Country, and suggested camping at Frye Lake, which we do.  Great view from our campsite.


Nice sunset and Greg puts together another great campfire.  Our neighbor this night is a single man from Nevada who has been here a week.

1 comment:

  1. Sitting in the airport and finally got to read all of these posts. THANK YOU. It is so, so cool to "travel with you" this way. I love you both! Brett
