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Monday, August 1, 2016

July 27 Missouri to Oklahoma - OK; July 28 HOME again.

July 27, 2016  Missouri to Arkansas

Lots of hawks in the hayfields along the road this morning.  We are heading towards Independence, Missouri and the Harry S. Truman Museum and Library. Independence is now pretty much a suburb of Kansas City but we find the Library with no problem.

We begin with a film that covers Truman's pre-presidential years.  He was born in 1884 and worked in a bank when he finished high school because he could not afford college.  The family needed him, however, so he moved back to the 600 acre family farm where he regularly worked 14 hour days for several years. In 1917 he answered the call to arms by joining the National Guard and was sent to France where he proved an able leader.  When he returned, he started a haberdashery shop with a war buddy, but it didn't do very well.  Then the powerful Pendergast Democratic Machine chose him as a candidate for judge and later as Senator.  Although not an eloquent speaker,  his down-to-earth demeanor, honesty, and familiarity with farming made him popular.

As the country approached WWII, President Roosevelt was running for his 4th term.  The VP at the time was not popular and Truman was chosen as Roosevelt's running mate, expecting that he would take a back seat for the duration.  Roosevelt died of an aneurysm about 8 weeks later and Truman stepped in at an incredibly difficult time.

  In short order he had to make decisions on dropping the A-bomb, negotiating peace settlements, dealing with post-war Europe and Japan, strikes and difficult economic transitions, the UN and NATO, recognizing Israel, the Cold War and spread of Communism,  and more.  Whew!

 He famously and unexpectedly won re-election over Dewey.

Another President who did not win the popular vote. Many of his programs did not get implemented - like Civil Rights - because of political grid-lock (sound familiar?)and it took a few years for history  (and the American people) to appreciate his contributions.

Of the Presidential Libraries we've been to, this would be near the top of the list.  Very thorough, many interactive displays, lots of history inside and outside of the White House.  Truman spent a lot of time planning and designing it. Here is his office here at the Library, and a replica of his oval office.
Replica of Truman Oval Office

Truman office at Library.

As we head further south, the temperature rises to 90.  We stop in Carthage, Missouri thinking we might find some Kansas City BBQ.  We try a place called Boomers, whose owners are big Oklahoma U fans. The bbq is only so-so.

We hop on an Interstate and move on into Arkansas continuing till about 7PM (usually stop around 3:00) and stop at a Walmart in Alma, near Fort Smith.  This will give us one long haul to reach home tomorrow.

July 28

It is 78 degrees at 5AM, so we head out.  Greg drives while Beth sleeps a bit.  We move into Oklahoma, taking 40 to 69S, across the Red River into Texas.

The heat may have been going up the past two or three days, but at least the gas prices have been falling!  We pay $1.86 this morning at Denison, Texas.  The high was probably about $3.50 in Canada.

We stop for some real Texas BBQ at Woody's in Centerville, TX. Yum.  As we near home, rain and traffic greet us.

But it is great to walk into the 75 degree house (thanks, Cheri). Home again, Home again, jiggedy jig!
7,770 miles - 20 states and 2 Canadian Provinces.